Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Rational Thinking!

My colleague Ally Frueh recently presented a case for the widening acceptance of same-sex couples and their relationships. In "Marriage Equality in Texas", she identified a study performed by UT-Austin that demonstrates and definite shift in attitudes towards LGBT couples and the possibility of their legal union.

Ms. Frueh does an excellent job of pointing out the findings behind the study results and even quotes local statutes. Her usage of supporting legal language provides an intelligent and thought-provoking look at changes of society.

Other than the quoted numbers in the article, however, there is no further linking to prove this acceptance (right along the "90% of facts are made up on the spot. See? I just did it!). There is a fairly recent article that documents what could be a boon for political and governmental changes in the very near future, as it sets a legal precedent.

The State of Texas officially permitted the divorce of a lesbian couple in 2010. The couple was married in Massachusetts in 2004 soon after gay marriage legalization. They moved to Texas a subsequently adopted a child. In 2010 the filed for divorce. After several appeals and challenges by AG Greg Abbott, the divorce was granted in 2011 by the 3rd District Court of Appeals.

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